The twenty-first century well on it's way having several interesting culture changes and no end near for savagery and stupidity. At the end of 2015 the people are stressing positivity no matter what. It's 2017 positivity is still being promoted and there have been multiple mass murders. Well; I ask you "is constant positivity even possible"? Are we all to be that "little engine that could" having all the right answers for every conceivable situation? Would that be politically correct? No innovation, no motivation, no creativity just raw data.
Ultimately that raw data must be categorized and filed. We hope that all will be resolved and forward moving happily enjoying the trip. "Beware of Dog" approach with care. We see these signs with no animal in sight. What exactly does that mean? Are there aggressive beings out there waiting to pounce. I say this with the most positivity ever because "fore warned is fore armed" woo be onto those who ignore the warnings. The greatest losses come in the form of time wasted. Retrospect verifies the consequences of time miss-managed.
What will you do to get back on tract? Not a whole lot, just recall the notion of being positive and let it keep moving. Humans are the most unusual creatures on Earth, beware! Humans bark louder if you are dangerous.